Up to date built-in Digital Dashboard

The Treasury Platform comes with its own built-in dashboard which is a flexible and self-definable Dashboard solution. The Dashboard is automatically linked to the various components of the Treasury Platform. The Dashboard can be viewed on any device linked to the internet or intranet. The objective of the dashboard is to allow the client to define its own KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), business metrics and analytics to monitor the health and overall well-being of the institution. The information can be presented in various ways i.e. in graphic format (line, bar, and pie charts) and infoboxes, which will be able to display ratios, percentages, amounts with indicators showing the direction of the movement. Information can also be displayed in tabular format. The Dashboard has an administrative component allowing the client to administer who can view and make changes to the Dashboard.

Typical embedded information included are:


  • Cash in- and outflow
  • Cost of funds
  • Cash or near-cash available
  • Liquid assets
  • FX positions
  • Gap analysis


The Dashboard can also be populated with information from the organization’s trial balance to produce ratios such as:


  • Return on Equity (ROE)
  • Cost to Income ratio
  • Staff cost to Income ratio
  • Staff cost to Total costs ratio
  • Interest income to Total income ratio
  • Non-Interest Income to Total income ratio
  • Non-Interest Income to Operating expenses ratio
  • Composition of Interest Income
  • Composition of Non-interest Income
  • Current month’s Net rate spread on Interest bearing products
  • Current month’s Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)


The Dashboard has the unique capability to show the following information from its forecasting capability such as:


  • Graphical display of the next 12 months projected figures for: Average yield
  • Required yield to break even
  • Profit differential
  • Average cost
  • Net rate spread
  • Projected Net Interest Income (NII)
  • Projected NII with interest rates shocks